Monday, June 29, 2009

Defining Moments

When I see something I like in a magazine, because I am almost always too busy but I don't want to loose the information I like for future reference, I automatically rip the page, and goes to my pile of things for "process"(&).

The other day, thumbing through part of the "process" pile, I found an article from the July 2007 REAL SIMPLE magazine. Wrote by Gail Blanke (a life's coach) the article talks about the defining moments in everybody lives!

According to Gail Blanke (author of the article) ...

A defining moment is 'an occasion when you found something in yourself you didn't know you had, or forgot you had, and pulled it out. As a result you changed an outcome from negative to positive.
A defining moment is when you said, "Yes, I will" or "No, I won't." It's when you drew a line. Or erased one, if that was what needed to be done. It's a moment after which you never thought of yourself in quite the same way'.

Thinking about it, here are some of my defining moments:

* When I quit my job in a company where a coworker was stealing merchandise and I caught him and reported him with superiors, instead of look away

* When I pulled myself out of boredom - in jobs where I was over qualify - , and proposed new products to offer or ways to do things instead of be a conformist and just do the bare minimum

* When I worked 24 hours without sleep for the first time in my life in a project designing and developing a computer based training, the adrenalin of the commitment of team was stronger that the physical need of sleep ... however the next day I crashed pretty hard :0)

(&) I learned that in the David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) philosophy.

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